SFlexible options to pay through EMI, Reward points or Credit.
This first-of-its-kind card in India brings together a variety of benefits that treat you to the very best of a Credit and Debit Card.
Covid19 has impacted Business Enterprises/MSMEs adversely resulting in disruption in cash flows and loss of income. In order to alleviate the hardships, Government of India, has introduced Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) with a view to provide additional working capital term loans to the eligible borrowers to meet the operational liabilities and restart the business. The Scheme is administered by National Credit Guarantee Trust Company Ltd (NCGTC).
IndusInd Bank is pleased to offer this Scheme to meet the emergency requirements of our eligible MSME/ Business Enterprise clients to help them to restart their business. Scheme details are as below :
Nature of facility : Working Capital Term Loan (WCTL)
Eligibility Criteria :
Validity : Scheme is valid until 31.10.2020 or on reaching the threshold stipulated as per Scheme by NCGTC whichever is earlier.
Loan amount : Maximum up to 20% of the entire fund based outstanding as on 29.02.2020, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 crore.
Tenor & Repayment : Maximum of 4 years from the date of disbursement, including moratorium of 12 months for principal repayment.
Prepayment penalty : NIL
Securities :
The Scheme is subject to revision as per NCGTC guidelines. Please do refer to Operational guidelines and FAQs issued by NCGTC from time to time. (https://www.eclgs.com)
Please contact your relationship manager for further details